Esmoriz walkways, Ovar

Passadiços de Esmoriz, Ovar

The Esmoriz walkways are located between Espinho and Ovar along Esmoriz lagoon (Barrinha de Esmoriz) which is also known as Paramos lagoon. These walkways were built during the requalification of the lagoon and are an indispensable way to better understand the charms of this place. In fact, with these walkways, it is possible for anyone …

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PR5 Arouca Geopark – Livraria do Paiva

PR5 Arouca Geoparque livraria do Paiva

PR5 – Livraria do Paiva (Paiva Bookstore) is a small pedestrian trail beginning and ending in Janarde, Arouca, and located inside the spectacular Arouca Geopark. This is a very short walking path, only about 3 km, and therefore suitable for everyone who wants to take a short walk in the wild. But don’t let its …

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