Everything about Freamunde’s capon

CaCapao de Freamunde cover

Capon, or Capão in Portuguese, is a delicacy appreciated in Portugal but especially in Freamunde, a town in the Paços de Ferreira municipality, in the North of Portugal. This Portuguese city excelled in the art of caponizing and cooking capon. In addition to Freamunde, there are other places in Portugal where capon is appreciated, such …

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The Battle of Valdevez

Torneio de Arcos de Valdevez

The Arcos de Valdevez Tourney, or Battle of Valdevez, is a remarkable moment in the process of independence and the foundation of Portugal. It is also a unique event in the history of Portugal as the battle was decided even before it happened. This extraordinary episode in Portugal’s history takes place in 1140, in the …

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