Traditional Portuguese Egg Pudding

Receita de pudim de ovos

Egg Pudding is a dessert that cannot be missed at any family event in Portugal, especially in the north. This family recipe has been tested dozens (if not hundreds) of times at all types of parties. If done well, it never fails and pleases everyone. So, here we will explain how to make the classic …

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Where to eat in São Miguel, Açores – best restaurants

Onde comer em São Miguel nos Açores

São Miguel in the Azores has so much to offer and so many attractions we sometimes forget it is also a foodie destination. Known as the green island, its temperate climate is excellent for agricultural and livestock production. Consequently, it has high-quality ingredients such as corn, sweet potatoes, tea, beef, cheese, fish, and fresh seafood. …

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15 Cod dishes to eat in Portugal

Melhores receitas de Bacalhau

The Portuguese love cod and are the biggest consumers of it in the world. In Portugal, cod is eaten in every possible way: raw, cooked, roasted, grilled, sliced ​​or shredded, white or yellow cured. But note that the cod we are talking about is always dry and salty. In Portugal, fresh cod is not eaten. …

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15 Traditional Portuguese Christmas Desserts

Melhores doces de Natal Portugueses

Christmas is about family and the food that unites us around the table. It is about planning and excitement for all the Christmas desserts that will delight our loved ones. Portugal has plenty of desserts, and by now, you must already know that Portuguese love sweet desserts, and Christmas isn’t an exception. Most Portuguese Christmas …

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15 most popular traditional Portuguese Bread

Typical Portuguese Bread

Portuguese love bread, we eat it in all meals, breakfast, lunch, and supper. As Amalia says in her song ” Numa casa Portuguesa fica bem Pão e vinho sobre a mesa,” – “In a Portuguese household, bread and wine on the table always look well.” It is pretty easy to find good bread in Portugal, …

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